
Monday, July 12, 2010

Internal Reflection of 07'

A random reflection of 07' ..
Strength comes from with in a person when they are at their weakest..
Love makes people weaker then most things.. It kills me to see weakness from something that is supposed to breathe life in to a person. But maybe .. Just maybe that’s where the problem lies. Love shouldn’t make or break you.. It should just blend well with you .. It’s not something that you make space for , or even loose space for. It is supposed to just work ..Right ?
To let you believe that I have all the answers would be completely misleading .. It’s merely a suggestion or a direction to get your mind right..
Don’t weep because you miss or because you hurt. Don’t weep because you lack or believe that you have lost. Shit ,.. Don’t even weep because you are mad.
Every great monument has some sort of "back bone" that allows it to stand when even the stormiest weather approaches. No need for a state of emergency. Use who and what you have got. They will one day need you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t afraid to take it , if offered. Never loose focus, because just when you think it can’t be any worse , it becomes hell .
Home really is where the heart is .. For many .. The last place where you had a twin bed.. But to be with out is slightly humbling.. Tragedy allows you to see where you lye in others paths. If you do not see you’re self along their path .. That’s a good indication to " motivate"
The most important person to be honest with is yourself. Then follow through accordingly.
Karma is as real as you allow it to be.. Often it’s best to stay out of its way. Time heals most wounds.. But not all. Forgive and forget is not for everyone and should be used sparingly in repeat offenders.
Music and comedy will save your soul.. Often more then religion. Alone or with others its time well spent.
Group Time is awesome.. But "me" time is needed.. No need to fear being alone. It’s ok to have a preference. But both are healthy and should be divided up amongst your life. The only mistakes that a lesson can be learned are mostly from your own.
So try something new and give in to things that are not the "norm" for you..
Giving up and giving in are not always the same ..      
When you loose something to gain piece of mind’s a win
When you give in to others , for others .. It could possibly be a loose.
At the end of the day ... What makes you feel safe? With out any doubts??
And lastly .. If you ever wonder.. Don’t.. Just ask .. You may not like the answer you get but curiosity can be checked off your list .. 

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