
Sunday, March 22, 2009

random shyt

I assume that some things are not for me to figure out. For someone is suppose to have the answers to everything, I find my self in the dark more often then none.
I really thought that I had this relationship thing figured out, and maybe to some extent I do.
Maybe the breed of men I dated needs were different. Food, sex and shelter right?
I thought that was the basis. Maybe perhaps some men don't prioritize properly. Or maybe just maybe the objective of companionship has been jaded.
ahh .. God save the queen ..
I tap out because I really dont get it anymore and further more, my own self is being mutilated in the process.
trying should be banned from my vocab .. and dealing .. may replace it .. trust they are different..
Karma keeps me sane at night and free from sin as you will ..
but how long do you walk on glass before you grab your shoes and bounce?
To my friend who worry .. i love you for it .. and I am sorry ..
but I am stubborn .. and hopeful ..
I really did think i had the answers to everything .. and that I could fix anything.. I am not so sure anymore.. its sunday .. and that love i once spoke of .. well its just a cool poem now .. thats its .. ta -da !!