
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Road untraveled .. 08'

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The long road un-traveled. where does it really bring you. Possibly in circles. Possibly to a dead end. perhaps even to a location that you never imagined to arrive at. Are you wiser because of the decisions you have made or restless because you want to erase that last mark on the page.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? While you wait in the corner for your feelings of content to flourish.. think about what you say and what you do..
today is another day where you can let music heal your soul and even though it’s cold outside, have faith in something. Whether or not you care for the warm weather or another rainy day .. it’s all inevitable. Random thoughts? yes. But you follow to the beat to of your own drum .
My un-traveled road led me to more decisions. and ultimately a circle. DO we even go there again? The toll booth collector awaits an answer.. I am still pending this transaction. Perhaps.. these circles we drive in are just constant reminder of an area that we have been here before and there is more to explore.
Eh .. Snow makes you think .. and over think some more..
for now.. I take my cold ass to bed.. until the next road trip.

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